Friday, September 11, 2009

3 Years Today

Looking back on my post from September 11, 2006, it is unbelievable that it is 3 years later and here we are still waiting to be matched. At the time of log in we were told 14-16 months and that was considered a long wait at the time.
Reality is, if it continues to take 5 months to get through each month of matching then we are still over 24 months away bringing us to a grand total of 5 YEARS waiting to bring a daughter home China.
I have been very optimistic all along, where Drew has always been cautious thinking it is all unpredictable and uncertain. He is now asking me how much longer are we willing to wait, 2, 3, 5 years? We are getting older, he is losing faith and I have to say that I may be too. Where we are by January 1 will be a little better indicator if this so called "speed up" that was supposed to happen ages ago held any truth at all.
There has been talk that "March 2006 was the largest month of families waiting and once we get through them" or "the new orphanage mandatory donation fee being raised from $3000 to $5000 will enable orphanages to have more paperwork ready children" and on and on and on.
We never renewed our paperwork when it expired the first time and I am glad we did not. It would have been wasted money, as we knew, so now it's a guessing game as to what will happen next.
We are beyond fortunate to have been blessed this year with a son and for now, I am still hoping and praying that he will have that sister from China that we have been dreaming of for well over 3 years now.

3 years and counting...


Blogger Kelly and Matt said...

I'm right there with you. At this point even I'm beginning to wonder if we should hold on. Like you I think we will have to make some kind of decision in 1/2010. Hang in there1

12:46 PM  

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